Just Me and Things in Between

Hello everyone!

Are you bored to death your chewing your fingernails as you are reading this? Are you a zombie like me and sucker for corny tales and hopeless romance?

Are you a movie geek and do you enjoy movie marathons all by yourself? Are you an impulsive shopper, a voracious eater and a a sweet tooth that you can't just resist sugar rush?

Well, if that's the case then you are reading the right blog! As I will be writing anything everything from the current, old, recent, new, nonsense or useful, mundane, from extraodinarily bizarre to ordinary and dry, mushy and romantic, sweet and tasty to bland and tasteless, from scary and obscene things i can think of!

It will be a tell all with a twist, depending on my mood that is.

I am inspired by movies, music, art, food, fashion and real life experiences down to gossips from the celebrity world, the internet to social network. Oh well, enjoy and read on what I got to say! ^_^


Monday, August 9, 2010

New start! :-)

I can't seem to revive my old blog: restlessfeetmeetsworld so i created a new one: chefofyarheart which will recount my candid thoughts about life, love, career, food and travel--- definitely anything and everything i can think of! ^_^ ang sa masuya lang bah...

This will serve as my online journal and dairy. A sort of potty hole for my shitty days, a recreational venue for my boring zombie nights and just serve as an outlet for my expressive self and my huge ego! hahaha...

That's all for now. I'll keep you posted anytime soon...

Toodles Doodles,
Chef of Yar Heart

Shout out for the day: 13 days to go before meltdown!


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